
Here is a blog editor I just ran across. It is called Qumana (qumana.com) the 3.0 Beta did not work with my MT, but the full release 2.0 , this one I’m using now, does.

The major caveat is that I cannot find where the POST button is. That’s a major oversight, I think. It also mucks with the fonts, which I don’t like too much. But it does provide a handy easy way to add Tags, which I like.

My MT install is slowing down tremendously. I need to find a solution to this. Six Apart also needs to provide some help other than the crazy rebuilds that I’m not sure what is going on as it does it (with the dynamic template stuff…..I tried something, and all the posts went missing (they were just reamed….but this process needs to be a bit less scary.

The WordPress import for Movable Type is not working, and nobody at WordPress seems to be paying much attention to me or to 3 or 4 others who are asking with me how this is supposed to work. If someone does a Community Server import from MT, I’ll be happy to try that one. That’s a dotNet blog I’ve been playing with since its earlier versions in 03. I’d love for WordPress to get it together with the imports (they seemed to work OK with 1.5)

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