PR without Action

Welcome to Ethics! “Just about everybody in the world knows what we’re against,” SBC president Bobby Welch has said. “The overriding thing that has to happen now is the world needs to be reminded in no uncertain terms of what we’re for.” It’s going to take another 25 years to undo what 25 years of virulent , smug hate Continue Reading

Will Campbell

via EthicsDaily Nashville Scene – Nothing Sacred Author, civil rights activist and Baptist minister Will Campbell is friend to Klansmen, whores and the hopeless —but he rejects the “soul molesters” of the Southern Baptist Convention My Church History prof was always recommending Campbell’s Brother to a DragonFly. This article in the Nashville Scene is a good read about one of Continue Reading

Mohler’s Refusal To See

This post by Al Mohler is yet another in a long line of posts about “Sanctity of Life” in which Mohler simply refuses to even address how war doesn’t fall into every argument he makes. It’s as if he doesn’t even recognize its existence. But that would be to question his demonination’s triumphant and almost joyful acceptance and support of Continue Reading

I Gotta Check This Out

On this new “>blog companion (ThinkTank) to the website, I found this , which will definitely interest me, since I am a “Southern Baptist refugee” (which usually these days means either another kind of Baptist, like CBF or the ABC, or else something entirely different— like, another denomination) Some have asked for a copy of my comparison research on Continue Reading

Mohler is Doing Re-runs on His Blog

I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this at rhe foot of a “Blog” post on Al Mohler’s “Blog”. I say “Blog” in quotes becuase your blog, Al, is ANYTHING but. Re-runs? – Albert Mohler’s Weblog This article was originally published on November 16, 2004. New daily columns will resume on August 1, 2005. That’s great. I Continue Reading

Lack of Evidence?

Another in a long line of self-decpetion amongst Southern Baptists. Richard land says this in the context of Bush’s Supreme Court nominee: Bush nominates John G. Roberts to fill court vacancy; social conservatives applaud pick – (BP) I have found the president in the 17 years I have known him personally to be a man of integrity and a man Continue Reading

Ethics Daily Takes SBC to Task For Silence/Support on WorldCom Exec

Robert Parham reports and comments on the conspicuous silence of the Southern Baptists concerning their Welcome to Ethics! Moral relativism and indifference surface with a pointed clarity in Southern Baptist life in the case of Bernie Ebbers, a member of Easthaven Baptist Church, outside of Jackson, Miss. Parham closes with some questions that hit the nail on the head: Continue Reading

Violent Baptists

via Jesus Politics, this post points to another about theology promoting violence. But rather than it being a matter of “Baptist beliefs”, it is a more “ecumenical” problem. “Ecumenical” in the sense that this is a problem of Constantinianism; adopting the “worldly wisdom” against that of the gospel which is “foolishness to the world”. Many fundamentalists apply this to “the Continue Reading

Mohler’s Sense of the Tragic is Tragic

Al Mohler: United Church of Christ on Verge of Embracing Same-Sex Marriage Those watching the United Church of Christ [UCC] know that the denomination has been moving steadily leftward for decades. Nevertheless, the official endorsement of same-sex marriage represents something genuinely historic and genuinely tragic. Mohler uses the word “tragic” to describe the UCC’s “endorsement” of same-sex marriage. While I Continue Reading

Mohler Blind to His Own Analysis – Albert Mohler’s Weblog Emerging Church leaders, influenced by postmodern theory, rightly understand that every individual is deeply embedded in a social location. They are certainly correct in accusing much of mainstream evangelicalism from missing this point entirely–blissfully unaware of how the ambient culture has influenced our own ways of thinking. But does an acknowledgement of the role of Continue Reading

Bush With a Big Ol’ Whoops

via Jesus Politics GW, speaking to the Southern Baptist Convention via satellite, praises a church that was given a “faith-based intitiative” grant. Unfortunately, the recipients of that message were saying to themselves, uh…George….they’re one of those “other” Baptists. We don’t do that sort of thing…uh…..I mean…uhhhh….. that wasn’t us (they are CBF, and give no money to the SBC). George Continue Reading

The Flag of Heresy

via Jesus Politics (Buy a flag and declare war on Satan and his lies of liberalism and secularism) Welcome to Ethics! The site also carries a pledge to the new flag: “I pledge allegiance, to the Christian Flag of the United States of America, and to the Lord, who made us great and free. I purpose, to band together, Continue Reading

Mohler’s “History” – Albert Mohler’s Weblog To know Paige Patterson is to know that there is no way he could remain silent in the face of heterodoxy. Indeed, when Houston attorney Paul Pressler visited the campus of New Orleans Seminary in order to meet conservative students who could be supported through a new scholarship funded by Houston business leaders, he was Continue Reading

Mohler’s Blind Spot

In my prevous post, I pointed out how Mohler misses entirely the ethical questionability of the Bush administration’s deceit of the American public, and worse, their resulting justification of murder of thousands of Iraqi civilians. For a “moralist” such as Mohler, this is despicable. But then again, he is, like the rest of the Religious Right, living in La-La land Continue Reading