Ethics Daily Takes SBC to Task For Silence/Support on WorldCom Exec

Robert Parham reports and comments on the conspicuous silence of the Southern Baptists concerning their

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Moral relativism and indifference surface with a pointed clarity in Southern Baptist life in the case of Bernie Ebbers, a member of Easthaven Baptist Church, outside of Jackson, Miss.

Parham closes with some questions that hit the nail on the head:

Did Baptist leaders fail Ebbers with their failure to teach ethics in church and critique corporate America in their sermons?

Does the lack of critical commentary from Baptist leaders about Ebbers now, and their willingness to be character witnesses, suggest that money from wealthy members buys moral relativism and indifference from religious leaders?

It sure looks that way.

Lack of critique of coroporate America from Southern Baptist leaders? Almost assuredly so. (and Parham would most probably agree). Sad state of affairs. Accomodating. A pretty sad image of “success” is being passed over and often even praised as a sign of a “Purpose-Filled” Life (not by Warren, but by many who combine success in our culture with “God’s blessing”, and the insinutations that are left dangling without clarification that God rewqards those who “know how to play the system”.

Related articles on BCE:
Where Do Worldcom Execs Go to Church?

What Responsibility Do Churches Have for Worldcom?

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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