Make a visible step toward Washington DC and join the church movement speaking the truth to power in DC and NY (ie #occupyWallstreet )
Denominational agency efforts and reports re: economic/budget issues affecting our economy are few on the front pages of the denominations’ websites. I have seen exactly TWO (both UMC) so far in a month of watching this. (Don’t know if I missed any, but given what kind of nformation is onthe front page of most denominational websites, I doubt that things dealing with #occupyWallStreet and its various themes would make their way in to the “Face” put forth in this or that denominaiton’s home page.
- United Methodist Church
- Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
- The United Church of Christ |
- Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Mennonite USA
- Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- Catholic Social Services
- American Baptist Churches USA
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- Southern Baptist Convention (should I bother? More likely opposition to those speaking up)
- Episcopal Church USA
- Friends General Conference (Quakers)
- Church of the Brethren
- Blevins, Jordan, advocacy officer & ecumenical peace coordinator, Church of the Brethren and National Council of Churches
- National Council of Churches
Religious leaders arrested in Capitol in budget justice protest