That One Single Place in the World #church #diaspora

I read the Gerhard Lohfink book from which this passage is taken.  This was quoted in a great blog post by Ian Morgan Cron I read on patheos just a few minutes ago.  It captures where I have been for some 10 years now re: the church. 

“It can only be that God begins in a small way, at one single place in the world. There must be a place, visible, tangible, where the salvation of the world can begin: that is, where the world becomes what it is supposed to be according to God’s plan. Beginning at that place, the new thing can spread abroad, but not through persuasion, not through indoctrination, not through violence. Everyone must have the opportunity to come and see. All must have the chance to behold and test this new thing. Then, if they want to, they can allow themselves to be drawn into the history of salvation that God is creating. Only in that way can their freedom be preserved. What drives them to the new thing cannot be force, not even moral pressure, but only the fascination of a world that is changed.”

The Christian Diaspora Revisited (Author, Ian Morgan Cron) | The Pangea Blog

Where is that place?  That question poses anything and everything I want to try to articulate right now.  I might come up with something later,  but I have been feeling strangely “blogless” and “un-blogging” lately.  It’s kind of a “Cloud of UnBlogging”.  It’s related to a sense of un-rootedness.  That’s the best I can do right now.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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