Change we can believe in? What a joke.

It was the very last thing on my mind that under Obama, we would have a government so completely run by the most radical, selfish, lackeys of the corporate empires. I say "completely run" because this is where all these standoffs seem to have ended: Complete capitulation. That a sold-out party who is not even in the majority can so control the results of the debate is a complete embarrassment. The GOP no longer deserves the mantle of political respect, given their working aims. They have made a mockery of the meaning of compromise, and the Democrats and Obama have shown ZERO courage or political leadership. I believe that this situation we find ourselves in makes permissible a healthy does of political risk taking for the good of us all.
But these people are essentially shielded from the most dire consequences of all this. They will not suffer the hardships with which they have now saddled us. I am not persuaded by their arguments that they have "prevented something worse". I can lend credence to their opinion that something bad WOULD happen if we default, but that also gives them no excuse to bend over completely (even 360 degrees to the exact opposite of what they say they stand for), and end up with everything the GOP squeezed out of this. And they did SQUEEZE, and for that, I consider them criminals. Imposters. Corporate lackeys cut off from any sense of identification with the people they SAY they serve. And to the Democrats. What wimps! What push-overs. You stand for NOTHING anymore. I’ll never believe in this party again. EVER. I’ll not reject any REAL independent candidate that happens to run as a Democrat, but this group of people as a unit; as a body standing for some principles, they are essentially useless.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

One Reply to “Change we can believe in? What a joke.”

  1. bthomas

    Capitulation? No. Compromise. The left moved to the center. Conservatives and members of the Tea Party Movement prevailed. That in the political process. Now as to lack of courage… not unexpected. It is one characteristic common to this administration. As to embarrassment, no… disappointment is the correct word. Embarrassment is the word that would apply if the concern was to see someone/side loose. If this boils down to seeing a much disliked group loose in a partisan slug-fist, then embarrassment fits. But disappointment is a better word for those who wanted this process to lead to a better result. The debt crisis of America will have to be addressed. Entitlement spending will have to be cut. The same is true of defense, etc. Sacred cows will have to be cut. The TPM has helped force attention to some genuine issues… sort of like a thorn in the foot. Broad dissatisfaction among liberals will force Democrats to attend to what really matters… even if it upsets some apple carts.

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