Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Obama, the GOP, and birtherism.

Wow. RNC chair says “talk about birth certificates is distracting [Obama] from our #1 priority: Our economy”

Right.  Before he did this “let’s move beyond  this and put it to rest” (I call it his “get a life” press conference),  the GOP was all over him asking why he just didn’t do just that.  He didn’t because he was NOT going  to let this distract him.  It wasn’t worth  the time.

Get a life, GOP.  Like a POLITICAL life,  and do your job. (Oh wait,  I mean the job the American people elected you to do,  NOT your real job,  which  is to posture and blab and misinform in any way you can to cover  for your doing  exactly what the powers tell you to do and say).

But you see,  they are not interested in actually doing the  work they were ostensibly elected to do.  They are all about solidifying  power.  Anything  they can do to discredit, destroy,  undercut ANYTHING that Obama has anything  to do with,  THIS is their charge.

This is why their “economic plan” comes straight from the pen of corporately created “think tanks” whose job it  is to write papers on why the “GOP plan” is the best one,  not bothering to mention how these measures have never worked.  But the GOP has to “attribute” these measures to some “authority”,  even though that “authority” is bought and created  and paid for.

The Heritage Foundation has  no serious economists,  but hired “sifters” of what can pass for information.  The “Heritage” being defended here  is the Gilded Age heritage where the rich have all the cards stacked in their favor, and then some.

So,  GOP chair,  don’t even suggest that Obama has been “distracted” by your nonsense (that you stood idly by as long as you could,  in case this was something  you could ride,  and now that it’s been discredited once and for all,  you have  the gall to suggest that the President ought not be wasting  his time).   You two faced pretender.

And then there’s Amy from CNN.  She is the QUEEN of false equivalencies.  On every issue I’ve  ever seen her asked about,  she presents some supposed “balancing act” supposedly showing how “the other  side” does the same thing.  She uses this INSTEAD of directly answering any question.  So, inthis  segment,  Ed Schultz decides not  to let her  go on with her BS about “both sides now”.  This “journalistic stance” ,  assuming  that no one is sinless and therefore no one has the right  to call ANYTHING into question,  is absurd.The Daily Show ran a bit  of this exchange with Ed and Amy and laughed  about it,  but the context here was missing.  And ironically,  Jon has been VERY critical of the CNN approach to things like this,  and with the “crossfire, leave-it-there” style of CNN.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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