The seemingly un-killable myth of “cutting taxes on the rich creates jobs”

How does this one continue  on? 

Not only is there no evidence that this has not occurred in the several years following the previous “big cuts” that we just “had to have”,  but the opposite has been true.  And yet the GOP keeps repeating it over and over,  and their lackies keep helping to pass the meme,  so that it arises OVER  and OVER and OVER.

Then there is the obvious question:  Is there someone who benefits from endlessly perpetuating this totally un-provable and actual “backwardness” of this meme (ie:  the precise opposite of their claim is true) ?  Yes,  the rich benefit.  Keep those tax cuts coming.  Even as we face huge deficits.   The GOP stubbornness/deception on this is staggering.  Their newly found focus on the deficit is stunningly hypocritical.  This is nothing  less than siphoning funds from all the programs the GOP  hates (those kinds  of things Paul Ryan refers to as “hammocks”,  to the coffers of the LEAST vulnerable.  These “hammocks” Ryan “warns” us about are the safety nets.  Help to the most vulnerable.  Yeah,  Bush’s “compassionate conservatism”.  Doublespeak.  Deceptive. The exact opposite of what the “efforts” are called.  And people buy it.  And the rich rake it  in.  And their “mechanisms”:  the corporations,  also recipients of the most insane government aid,  while they ,  the corporations all the while fund the disinformation campaigns and think tanks that write up all this stuff and feed it to hungry pundits to “use” to defned them,  the rich,  from the ones who are shoved aside. 

How can people insist that having cynicism about the rich and of corporations is nothing but paranoia?  Is it possible that the thing that makes us “careful” and discerning is NOT 100% paranoia but our mechanism to protect ourselves from being taken for a ride?  And what kinds of forces cause people to actually downplay the effects of corporate operations and push for even more abandoning of safety nets?  It’s money.  It’s the corruptive influence of  money.  Is this hard for people to believe?  No.  And therefore there is  denial at work here.  There is an ideological identification with “our side” which makes it seemingly impossible  for  people to lend just a bit of credence to the possibility that the people in power may become convinced that they “need” more of that power.  The people upon whom these “cutback” measures effect most are able to see it.  But are they,  in every case?  There are millions of GOP voters who are also disadvantaged by the present and recent  GOP measures (I’m talking  over 30 years now),  and yet staunchly defend the status quo. It’s like Thomas Frank’s “What’s the Matter With Kansas”,  writ  large and  national.  Similarly, “What’s the matter with the base  of the GOP?”  GOP voters are disproportionally “heartland”  They share the pain of the effects to an even greater degree than their political “opponents” .  And they accept at face value, without actual investigation or education on such matters,  the “disinformation” that is fed to them from “above”. 

Watch this segment from Ed.  Watch Micheal Steele constant “denial” of actual math  and facts. 

He can do nothing but fall back into the same GOP BS about how cutting taxes on rich creates jobs,  and we’re back to the core point:  DENIAL,  and constant repeating of the meme in the face of contradicting data. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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