My week in D.C. culminating in “The Rally to Restore Sanity (and/or Fear)”

It’s been almost a week since the rally,  and I’ve not even blogged about the experience.  I spent a good deal of time getting several clips up onto YouTube. 

I show these at the bottom of this post.  I will be exploring how I might best organize these in the future as  I offer up more and more video.

The week was good.  I left Nashville Tuesday the 26th and headed East on I-40 to Johnson City,  where my brother and his family live.  That’s about 4 of the 10 hours to D.C. (not including stops).  On Wednesday morning I left in the rain about 7:45 EDT,  and headed up I-81 toward I-66,  which takes me east into DC.  I got into town around 3pm,  and went first to Sojourners’ offices and met up with my friend Bob Sabath.

More in a bit.  Videos below.

These are quick and dirty,  to start,  since I want to get these up quickly ,  mostly as “blog posts” in video…..I want to produce a reflective video pretty soon,  where I use and intersperse several clips and narration ,  etc.

Getting to the Rally,  Saturday, Oct.30 9am

The below embed is a bit larger  (I’ll be looking for WordPress display plugins for listing YouTube submissions)

I’ll keep editing this post and adding my videos,  as well as an index.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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