Tea Partiers Protesting Net Neutrality Unwittingly Harm their own efforts

Once again,  of course they do.  They do this by letting the free-market fundamentalism of rightwing politics do their thinking for them.  Here’s more on that from the same post I was quoting from in my previous blog post:

One of the groups who signed the letter was the Fountain Hills Tea Party in Arizona. Like many, many grassroots tea party groups across the country, Fountain Hills has a Ning social networking site, as well as a more traditional homepage, both key to communicating with members. Supporters of net neutrality often suggest that it’s smaller sites like these that would suffer the most under the tiered Internet plan ISPs are expected to establish if no government rules require them to treat all Internet traffic equally.

Tea Partiers Say Net Neutrality Hurts Freedom | TPMDC

A few years ago Thomas Frank wrote a book called “What’s the Matter with Kansas?”,  which explored how these mostly rural midwesterners voted against their own self-interest by backing candidates based on certain “Values” issues but failed to notice how the economic philosophies enabled by these candidates put them at a disadvantage economically.  The same principle applies here.  “Government interference” has become a dogma so entrenched that it has become a code word that blocks actual exploration of the particulars of the issue. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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