Google TV and the future of TV @GillmorGang #wiredchurch

At Google I/O they showed a little of the Google TV direction,  and the The Gillmor Gang talked  it up about TV and the Net (see it here:  Great conversation,  and some good argument (even Andrew Keen – he’s certainly growing on me) .  Robert Scoble, Steve Gillmor, Kevin Marks, and Jyri Engstrom make for some compelling visions of what an Internet enabled TV system will bring us. Leo Laporte today mentioned how we will see alongside of hits for “House” on Fox would be Twit shows (from Leo’s network), Netflix,   etc.

So I thought, and maybe some programs done by church related organizations (or individual churches themselves).  I hope for church-perspective conversations about technology and specific technologies. The Skype-enabled multi-caller conversations that The Gillmor Gang and use to power their shows makes for compelling conversation.  There are smart people around technology in the church (and of course,  smart people around a range of issues,  including and especially theology).  More theology and technology conversations could definitely happen,  and SHOULD happen,  and NEED to happen.

The Gillmor Gang’s discussion on Net-enabled TV inthis episode is a good model for the kind of conversations we need to have re: the prescence of the church in the Net TV landscape..

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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