Check the most active Twitter Users: Blogging is NOT passé

Maybe amongst the media.  Blogging is circa  2003 or so for them.  But if you look at the most prolific tweeters who actually have a good tech following,  they all make extensive use of their blogs.  Robert Scoble, Chris Brogan, Dave Winer, and on and on.  

Here’s a rather obvious bit of insight that many heavy users of social media have always recognized:  There REALLY ARE many many things we want to communicate that 140 characters will simply not be enough to do it justice,  or even begin.  There ARE,  to be sure,  MANY short messages that can say what we mean.  And if we are pointing to other content (often times a blog or an article on a Website),  it provides a container for that along with a little remaining room to make a quick comment to let you know why I think this link explains something important,  or expresses an opinion that I find interesting or disgusting or inspirational.

So quit saying blogging is passé’.  You just identify yourself as someone who defers to that part of the press who are clueless about social realities on the Web.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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