The Borg Strikes Twitterville: No Twittering for Journalists says WaPo

So now we are discovering that people have opinions,  and that they share them with people they know. 

Raju Narisetti, a WaPo editor, had some tweets recently that revealed *gasp* that he had opinions about issues. When word leaked out that he had his own opinions and was sharing them on Twitter, apparently the WaPo top brass scrambled quickly to get this under control. That included Narisetti deleting his Twitter account. Pathetic.

So pathetic, that I’m kind of shocked that The Washington Post’s Omblog was allowed to publish all the details.

Obviously, WaPo is doing this to try and maintain what it perceives to be its journalistic integrity. That’s great. But as we’ve discussed recently, the idea that any kind of reporting lacks any kind of bias on some level is laughable.

Twitter Unearths A Secret: Journalists Have Opinions

There’s all kinds of emotion this stirs up in me,  out of my past experience. The desire for the corporation (which includes the media,  as well as any org with a PR consciousness and an old school , top-down mentality….yeah,  even the church)  to “control”,  to “filter”;  to “spoon feed” its audience/customer/members what they want them to hear/read/see,  is just the  kind of thing that “Twitterville” evokes,  and this WaPo example is but the tip of the iceberg;  a public evocation of what is happening everywhere. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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