poserorprophet: The Church and Capitalism: Part I.2

Dan has been sharing with us a paper he is doing.  He is contrasting Christianity with neoclassicism,  our present day leading form of capitalism.

Capitalism, however, is based upon the assumption of scarcity. It assumes a world where there is not enough for everybody. Consequently, rather than manifesting abundance, what capitalism produces is a profusion of commodities that functions as a parody of abundance.[47]

[47] Cf. Jean Baudrillard, The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures, trans. by Chris Turner, Theory Culture, and Society, ed. Mike Featherstone (London: SAGE, Publications, Ltd., 1998), 26.

These different foundations, and different perspectives on the world, then lead Christianity and capitalism to develop antagonistic doctrines of freedom. For Christianity, freedom is understood as liberation for service, whereas for capitalism, freedom is understood as choice in relation to consumption. For Christianity, freedom is liberation from the power of Sin-and-Death, and the host of other spiritual and material Powers that are in the service of Sin-and-Death. However, freedom from Sin-and-Death, is inextricably linked to freedom for loving service to one’s God and one’s neighbours and, in this way, Christian freedom is revealed in obedience (i.e. obedience to the Lord who liberated them, and obedience that manifests their liberated state).

poserorprophet: The Church and Capitalism: Part I.2

We live in an age and context of the church in America where such talk challenging capitalism is met with confusion,  since our brand of Christianity has become polluted with Americanisms.  We are deprived of a church that should provide us with an oasis from this rampant individualist, consumerist allegiance to the "fundamentals of a strong America and "sound economy". 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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