WordPress Errors

There’s something up with the XML writing in WordPress.  My RSS feed has a mysterious blank line on line 1,  causing validation problems.

Windows Live Writer is also broken,  with errors like

Invalid Server Response: The response to the metaWeblog.newPost method received from the weblog server was invalid.

MY site was moved on Sunday from a Win2000 server to a Windows 2003 server,  and all this stuff started happening.

Earlier in the weekend,  I was noticiing that Live Writer was working ,  except for the Image upload,  which gave this error:  Invalid Server Response: The response to the metaWeblog.newMediaObject method received from the weblog server was invalid.

I realized, in looking back,  the last time I had tried to upload an image was when I was still running WordPress 2.06 (and the image had no problem).  Now there is a total “metaWeblog” problem,  and the problem of the mysterious blank line in the RSS feed (which might even be related,  if the “metaWeblog” operations are XML dependent.  I’m corn-fused and frustrated.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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