Still looking for comments from my theological friends on my Net Freedom & Church blog post at

The only things that have shown up in my comments are the social media pointers I have put out asking my theological friends to comment.  It’s not that this is THE most important issue on the world. It’s not.  Their are wars, killings, severe oppression,  economic hegemony of the extremely wealthy,  etc.  But this IS a vastly influential and consequential issue.  And if there is any value to Net Freedom (which I definitely think there is),  is there not a theological case to be made (I think there is).  It IS a justice issue.  It is yet another case of the rich and powerful rigging the system to maximize their profits at the expense of the good of the non-rich and powerful.  It IS the right of everyone on the earth to have the opportunities to participate,  and the most crucial aspect of that is that this is an avenue where people can tell their stories.  The world needs to know a lot of these stories.  Our communities of interest WANT to know our particular stories.  The collaborative energies generated by finding people who respond and support our stories are marvelous and miraculous energies.  It goes all the way to the level of the principle idea of the gifts of the body of Christ.  The church exists as an incubator to call forth and cultivate those gifts that result in needs being addressed.  So the issue of Net Freedom is a theological issue in that all of us have contributions to make,  and the Net has proven to be a powerful source of extending the stories of groups and individuals in order to widen the reach of the benefits of those who are about the task of living their calling.

Please go to my previous post at and offer your thoughts.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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