Research Needed on the Theological Implications of Online Communications

It seems there should be a role for me somewhere,  with some Denomination or religious/ecumencial agency,  to be a combination Web developer/Webmaster, Database developer, and Online Researcher of Communication and Online Theology.  That’s a mouthful (and a screenful).  But the idea is that I have long experience (in Internet Years),  as a Developer and Maintainence person,  and as a writer/theologian/Internet-junkie,  and that these ingredients provide two useful things,  either of which should be econmically justifiable to have on staff. 

One is the day-to-day tasks needed to keep Websites running,  troubleshoot errors,  and keep content rotating in and out,  and seek out what new thing needs to be constructed.   The other is the much needed studies of human behavior,  psychological and sociological impact,  and “God forbid”,  the “Spiritual issues”.  I say “God forbid” becasue so many people dismiss the topic of Online Spirituality as if it was a false issue;  or no issue.  That these people seeking “spirtuality” online are some form of 21st century mutant,  and that they simply need to get their butts off the computer chair and into a Church (as if that was any more of an automatic panacea than they accuse the Internet “utopians” or hypsters of fostering).        

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