Blogging Events

I’ve just been looking at links to Blogs of Events and presentations.  It has its own lingo , ie.

“I’m going to Blog the Conference”

I was just wondering:  Is it an “inapropriate” idea to “blog a Church service”;  maybe so (tapping on keys would tend to be distracting),  but what about “non-worship” events?  The Methodist yearly conferences are going on next month (June) ,  and the Big One is in 2004,  the General Conference,  in Pittsburgh.  It seems that these kinds of events would be a good “test” site to illustrate/exemplify the uses of “blogging” events.  It could also serve as a precursor to instigating “Smart Church Mobs”,  as it would inevitable lead to experiments of all kinds with things of the  WiFi -world. 

Please leave comments with links to any good sources/examples of Blogging Events (not neccessarily or likely relgious in nature,  since there probably aren’t any,  but good examples,  like David Weinberger in Vienna (this link is to one of his posts from Vienna linking to other people who are there,  also “Blogging the Event” at Blogtalk. I wonder if David will see the “Trackback” while he’s there? — probably so,  since he’s using Movable Type which is server based,  and he can certainly logon while there.  So,  if so David, and you have time,  Trackback to here too,  just to illustrate (once I mirror this post in Radio over to Movable Type).

In the meantime,  go to David’s list and read the posts before and after that “Listing of other Blogtalk Bloggers” and get a feel for how to Blog an Event.

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