Inequality For All – Excellent Choice

inequalityForAllJust got back from the Y where my choice of reading/viewing fare was a Netflix movie, Robert Reich’s “Inequality For All”.  (Don’t know why they didn’t include that link to Netflix on their ad ) This alone was a program making the 7.99 a month monthly price well worth it.  Heck,  it’s worth it if you have friends,  since you should want to encourage your friends to watch it.  It’s so well done and un-arguable,  it is an IMPORTANT bit of education for our citizenry.  I would also argue that it is an important THEOLOGICAL issue as well.  It really burns me that this is NOT a bigger topic of church conversations.  In most cases,  it is the very thing that most churches AVOID since the right wing has decided that this conversation “incites class warfare”.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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