American Spring –

Salon has two sections on their website related to #Occupy.  One is an “Occupy Wall Street” section,  and one is an “American Spring” section.  I am looking into both of these to see what the differences are.  I am putting this in my #OccupyTheology section/post-type,  beause I draw a close relation between “theological thought”,  and the aspirations of the passionately political “secular” people who may not consider their efforts and conversation to be “theological”,  but I believe they are.  They just don’t know it or don’t want to call it that,  since to be”spiritual” or “theological” is seen as a “limitation” throught the lenses shaped by centuries of church diengagement with the social justice issues facing our country.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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