Googling “Tower of Babel” and “Climate” unearths p…
Googling “Tower of Babel” and “Climate” unearths pages and pages of “One World Government” theological conspiracy sermons by fundamentalists
Googling “Tower of Babel” and “Climate” unearths pages and pages of “One World Government” theological conspiracy sermons by fundamentalists
“With oil, coal, and gas as our bricks, humanity has built a carbon tower of Babel, now poised to crash down.” @dianabutlerbass in #Grounded
“nature is not primarily a property to be possessed, but a gift to be received with admiration and gratitude” – Henri Nouwen
The Tower of Babel as a possible warning about how some things that we CAN do are not always what we SHOULD do (as in burning fossil fuels)?
Looking today for some sound theological study of the significance of The Tower of Babel for the Climate Crisis. Lots of junk out there.
Blog post: “A Generation who Knew not Joseph” Today’s “conservatives” nothing like the old.:
I had this comment to make as I got trollled in a thread on The Hill (which is the norm there, as it is absolutely overrun with right wing trolls). This one was in a thread under an article that was titled “Sanders courts Trump voters”, which is a terrible title based on the quote from Sanders that prompted it, Continue Reading
I hate it when UK plays on CBS so I can’t watch replay. Recorded game on DVR at one house but family crowd is gathering at another. grrrrrrr
@ColtsFan254 you don’t agree on transitioning FAST/NOW off fossil fuels. Any accord w/out this is in denial about the scope of the problem.
@ColtsFan254 Would have preferred handing Congress accords WITH accountability & revolt when they nix it. THEY have to be held accountable
@ColtsFan254 this Congress? Never happen. But Dems have to have more backbone and bully pulpit by Obama. This indicates all bark no bite.
@ColtsFan254 the mechanism for accountability was nixed BECAUSE of the intransigence of the Congress; knew they’d never agree; catch 22
@ColtsFan254 the hypocrisy is in saying nothing while the bill passes, with mutually exclusive elements (lifting oil export ban)
@ColtsFan254 IOW, if you say you’re for something before a world stage, and then just cave when it comes to following through? hypocrisy.
@ColtsFan254 yes, but accords with other nations assume that one is serious re: actually implementing the mechansims that would get it done