Previous quote from Larry Rasmussen’s “Earth-honor…
Previous quote from Larry Rasmussen’s “Earth-honoring Faith” which I found amongst notes in @BrianMcLaren ‘s Everything Must Change
Previous quote from Larry Rasmussen’s “Earth-honoring Faith” which I found amongst notes in @BrianMcLaren ‘s Everything Must Change
“We are far too many & many of us far too rich w/ far too much stuff & the wrong kind or economy, for the planet to bear, on our terms.”
RT @NaomiAKlein: .@350’s May Boeve What the Election Means for the Climate Movement –
Too bad @amazon holds back the potential for books by tethering us to old & forked Android neglect the open cooperation btw Net companies
Hint to @Amazon. Quit trying to gear Android to your ecosystem and commerce by using forked versions & COOPERATE with what’s already working
The @NYTimes won’t let Chrome copy text; even select it. Frustrating. I like to comment/blog by using bookmarklets to blog or Hootsuite
Blog post:The GOP’s Plan To Do Nothing « The Dish HT @DavidDark:
Gleaned from the Tweet stream earlier, from David Dark’s link: Fox News and the entire conservative media-industrial complex have no real interest in Republican governance. They thrive on conflict and on opposition via The GOP’s Plan To Do Nothing « The Dish. Absolutely. Clearest indication I’ve yet seen that the end REALLY IS the power. Fuck the governing. Thtat’s just Continue Reading
As surely as Empire has shown it’s willingness to exploit humans for political & territorial gain, it has also done so to ALL of creation
As I finish up Armstrong’s book on Religion & The History of Violence, I am tuned in to how “Structural violence” is at work on the Climate
Checked me out a few “EcoTheology” books @ Vandy Divinity (Rasmussen, Korten, etc.) to broaden my theological grasp of #PeoplesClimate
RT @daviddark: “When it comes to the environment, the invisible hand never picks up the check” @NaomiAKlein
@DavidDark I’m a Nashvillian (Rutherford County) I’m game to explore a bit of this over coffee or whatever.
Wondering how many other Christians are as energized re: the ecotheological implications of @thischanges Everything as I am? #PeoplesClimate
@DavidDark so does that mean you are? I’m restless to dialogue with theologically inclined who have discovered the treasures here