Miss St. did actually recover enough to perhaps no…
Miss St. did actually recover enough to perhaps not drop out of the top 4 (they shouldn’t , anyway)
Miss St. did actually recover enough to perhaps not drop out of the top 4 (they shouldn’t , anyway)
that 1st and goal at the one result of 3 points is what will end Miss St. chance at the playoff. Dont see a recovery happening.
“An Earth-Honoring Faith” article by Larry Rasmussen @Sojourners Magazine – June 2010 http://t.co/ExCApea5gU (article 2yrs before book pub)
Blog: “Creation justice is not bereft of antecedents†Larry Rasmussen #PeoplesClimate #EcoTheology http://t.co/OK5zd4JGQ7 #occupytheology
Creation justice is not bereft of antecedents. Indigenous peoples across the globe have tried their best since the onset of colonization, conquest, and the Industrial Revolution to say that the community of life’s own integral functioning was being violated by foreign notions of justice and human organization that did not recognize that peoples and their lands were inextricably linked together. Continue Reading
“the moral universe encompasses more citizens than we hominids.” Rasmussen, Larry L. in Earth-honoring Faith #PeoplesClimate #OWS
“whether future generations of both human & other life have claims upon present generations would be a justice question.” -Rasmussen, Larry
“The question whether there are biotic rights & animal rights (not just human) would be a justice question.” Rasmussen, Larry
Blog: Geat interview w/ Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) on @DemocracyNow (40 minutes) http://t.co/ofUT2HqBXR #occupytheology
Blog post:Great interview w/ Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) on @DemocracyNow (40 minutes): http://t.co/AeVnT4Fv9V
via Russell Brand on Revolution, Fighting Inequality, Addiction, Militarized Policing & Noam Chomsky | Democracy Now!.
RT @thischanges: How could the top 10% take more than 100% of income gains during this recovery? http://t.co/ToUNvwwYOn via @BillMoyersHQ:
.@thischanges yeah, shows how utterly “blinders on” the present GOP is; determined even after oil people have moved on
Blog: “eco-nomics: cultivating the material conditions for the continuation of life†http://t.co/6gG45ALGgw #occupytheology
RT @doctorow: Net Neutrality activists blockade FCC Chairman Wheeler’s house http://t.co/Pqe9suWOPW http://t.co/WbtpEVi9Gv