e-church com.munity weblog: Southern Baptist Fire Missionary Professor

Tim,  you wouldn’t be a “former” Southern Baptist like myself, would you? Your story and your comments echo many of my views on this.  So many of the present leadership of the SBC just KNOW what God’s Word is,  and that it couldn’t possibly consist mostly of “their own appropriation” of that Word.  It just “says what it says”.  I Continue Reading

Ordinary People

I bought (or got free at Best Buy with a purchase of Norton System Works) Ordinary People ,  a movie I saw while I was a seminary student,  and was one of the best I ever saw.  Powerful, emotional, and real.  I’ve been wanting a DVD copy of this for quite a while.

From By Grace Transformed: Reducing Fear

After my job ended Nov. 21,  I once again picked up the book of sermons by Gordon Cosby.  I was entering a fearful time (and I’m still there).  Chapter 15 was where my bookmark sat,  and the Chapter is entitled “Reducing Fear”,  followed by “Detachment”,  “Deepening Connections”.  Those three chapters helped me at just the right time.  Nothing is solved Continue Reading

Reading List December 2002

What I’m reading (or carrying around with me, intending to finish), with links to entries where I comment on them: Smart Mobs – Howard Rheingold (I’ll be mulling that over for years to come…..even more so when I can become a “Smart Mob-ster” myself and get me “one of them” (meaning a pocket PC/Phone contraption so I can be “always connected”) Continue Reading

Net Mission as Important Cultural Study

My earlier post about the WIRED article,  The Pope’s Astrophysicist,  was the thing which got me thinking about the idea that the Net needs to be considered a Mission Field.  The Vatican has spent who knows how much on the observatory in Tucson,  and the research going on there that searches for “clues” and “signs” in the physical cosmos.  While Continue Reading