upcoming UMComm 75th anniversary: Will they help the church to tell the Climate Story and to participate in the New Economy?

Saw this article on the UMC.org website this week,  and ,  as I am apparently programmed to do,  reflected upon it in the context of “A Church in a time of Climate Crisis”,  or “A Planet in Peril” (as I once heard Phillip Clayton say).  There was no place for me to make comments below this article which was published at the UMComm website,  so I “Shared” the post on my Facebook timeline with the following lead-in:

Let’s hope that the Communications agency of the United Methodist Church considers it a calling to begin to help the church awaken to the urgency of the Climate Crisis, which will, in the NEXT 75 years, become more and more obvious, intense, and destructive of cities, communities, economies, and all of life. Talk about a “Pro-Life” issue. And it’s not just something “75 years in the future that we can push to the side and say, “we’ll deal with that later”. What is happening NOW and into the next 75 years is largely already caused by what we’ve ALREADY done. What we must do now is to change course, and seek to DECREASE the amount of dire effects we will experience. I think this is an issue that is arguably the most far-reaching ethical issue humanity has ever faced. It is past time for the church to begin acting like it.

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