Russell Brand And Naomi Klein Talk Climate Change And The Need For Revolution

Russell Brand and the author Naomi Klein have called for a “revolution” that could potentially see oil giants like Exxon Mobil dismantled.

Speaking to Brand as part of a podcast exclusively shared with The Huffington Post, Klein agreed with the comedian’s call for a political and economic revolution, but warned: “It’s not going to happen in the right way if we don’t talk about the distribution of resources.”

So this article has a link to a podcast where Brand interviews Naomi Klein, which is presently playing in my ear. Earlier this morning I caught last night’s The Last Word where O’Donnell led with Brand, and I , of course, liked what he said, and loved his comedic impressions of O’Reilly and Hannity.

via Russell Brand And Naomi Klein Talk Climate Change And The Need For Revolution.

podcast link

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