Rampant dualism

From my Facebook Memories, 2 years ago:

It is just flat out gnosticism to suggest that there is ANYTHING that is off the table in the church that concerns the well-being of people, communities, or nations, or the earth. NOTHING. Gnosticism claims that we can keep our soul and body separate; that salvation is a “purely spiritual” matter (that phrase in quotes is , itself, a gnostic assumption, since “spiritual” cannot be separated from body. That is a gnostic, dualistic syncretism of notions that are NOT Biblical. Sorry if that challenges your faith, but I’m afraid that you’ve allowed dualism and gnosticism to pollute what has made it through all the noise as gospel.
https://www.facebook.com/dlature/posts/10154260767286818  December 24, 2016 

This sensibility is only heightened with the exposure to so much rampant dualism in so many American Christians, especially those who now flee their former ethical “standards” they applied to their government representatives. They now are often heard saying “I elected a President/Congress-person/Governor , not a Pope”.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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