Obama has some catching up to do on ACTIONS and POLICIES re: Climate Change

Bill McKibben published his thoughts on what the deal with China means and doesn’t mean. One stood out forme.

It is not remotely enough to keep us out of climate trouble

via The Big Climate Deal: What It Is, and What It Isn’t | Bill McKibben

We need to rid ourselves and our leaders from the notion that “finally” we’re actually doing something significant.  Indeed,  SOMETHING is very obviously better than nothing,  but the question we now have to heed is “What is enough?” and the answer is NOTHING.  All we can do is do EVERYTHING possible to avoid the worst.  The real “heresy” to our system is that we have to “leave trillions of fossil fuels IN THE GROUND”,  and that means forfeiting dollars.  But fortunately (hopefully “fortunately”)  those aren’t the ONLY dollars.  There are dollars in alternatives,  meaning JOBS, and REAL measures to produce and develop RETOOLING to turn this around.  We won’t be able to avoid what has already been done to the ecosphere.  And some of what we have done over the years is still pending as to its more visible consequences (visible at least to the public pysche,  unlike to that of the people who study this and see far more than we have been passed by the majority of the media.)

Hopefully,  this is another sign that more and more of the facts we need will be allowed through to be pondered and thus “allowed to sink in”,  so that this will become a larger and larger movement.

McKibben puts it most appropriately:

It isn’t, in other words, a reason to slack off a bit in the ongoing fight for a livable climate, a fight our civilizations are in great danger of losing.If we want this to be a start, and not a finish, we’ve got to build even bigger and more powerful movements that push the successors of these gentlemen to meet what science demands. Today’s an achievement for everyone who’s held a banner, signed a petition, and gone to jail — and a call for many more to join us going forward!

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