Is the Climate Crisis to become an issue of major emphasis and effort for the church?

another choice quote from the above article by Naomi Klein:

We’re here because many powerful Church insiders simply cannot be counted upon to champion Francis’s transformative climate message—and some would clearly be happy to see it buried alongside the many other secrets entombed in this walled enclave. Naomi Klein in “A Radical Vatican?”, New Yorker Magazine

I get this same sense in the Mainline Denominations too. Although many in the leadership of those Mainliners are in support of environmental measures, I have yet to see much at all of a major “Crisis Level” emphasis. One reason often seems to be an extreme retiscence to address the topic at all, much less come off as “alarmist” about it. This article yesterday is a good one to read on the real concerns of Climate scientists :…/ballad-of-the-sad…/… It’s not only a major civilizational crisis of epic social justice proportions and extremely large challenges to the human population and other species, it is also, largely because of that, a major theological challenge as well. The civilizational threat may not be the “Day Job” of the UMC or any other church, but it seems that their communications might be informing us and conversing with us about the gravity of the problem. And it will eventually become more consequential to our Day Job, the more it impacts the level of economic, social, and ethical problems it precipitates.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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