How far apart we have grown (because of The Climate Crisis)

What’s really galling to me is how little ANYONE I grew up with (like from my former youth group)  interacts with me AT ALL on this issue.  I post to Facebook a great deal on this.  Perhaps they’ve simply turned off my posts.  Perhaps they’ve clicked on “Don’t show me posts like this”.  Without a way to look at this possibility,  I can only guess.  The online experience here matches the face to face.  It is practically impossible to engage anyone on this,  aside from the people are already obviously “get it”.  This is a BIG BIG problem that we need to begin to address, and we have to fight through the blank stares we’re going to get,  and have been getting,  (or the outright hostility and derisive eye-rolling of the right wing deniers).  But we have a problem with Progressives and Liberals who claim they “believe the science”,  and yet don’t seem to have caught on to the message of that science which has been getting increasingly sounded BY THOSE VERY SCIENTISTS who have been bringing them the bad news.  What are we gonna do, folks?

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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