The Powers That Be Need To See a real grassroots “threat”

“Of course it mattered to have FDR in power instead of Herbert Hoover, but it mattered even more to have an organized population which was flexing its muscles in every conceivable way in the 1930s—from sit-down strikes in auto plants, to shutting down the ports on the West Coast, to shutting down entire cities with general strikes. And it mattered Continue Reading

“a time of multiple overlapping crises”

On the #GreenNewDeal: “It’s about understanding that we are in a time of multiple overlapping crises, and that we are on an incredibly tight deadline when it comes to lowering greenhouse-gas emissions in time to prevent truly catastrophic warming. In order to bring people along with these necessary changes, there have to be benefits in the here-and-now in terms of Continue Reading

GreenNewDeal is drawing a lot of obfuscating arguments

There’s a CNN interview(linked below) with AOC that right wingers (and many “moderates”, like CNN) are touting as “showing how unrealistic AOC and the #GreenNewDeal is in terms of affordability” . But , as usual, a great deal of obfuscation is involved. This articles explains what we need : Which is more context and actual economics. ““[it is] deceptive .. Continue Reading

“but rather artists”

The following gem* stuck out for me in one of my friend and teacher’s extraordinary stories he has shared: ““During one visit to our apartment, Herman is excited to tell me about one of his discoveries. He was translating an Ethiopian Targum (Hebrew O.T. text translation into an ancient indigenous language) when he noted something important. The ancient scribe had Continue Reading

Been “doing this” for 30 years

Another stinger from McKibben in his New Yorker article about the Feinstein debacle: “The irony is that, when Feinstein said she’s been “doing this for thirty years,” she described the precise time period during which we could have acted. James Hansen brought the climate question to widespread attention with his congressional testimony in 1988. If we’d moved thirty years ago, Continue Reading

Scaring us with the “spectre” of “Green New Deal”

“It’s very clear that conservatives have one plan for dealing with the popularity of the Green New Deal: scaring the hell out of people. And it’s very clear that they have one big problem: The hell they’re building through inaction is a lot scarier than “upgrading all existing buildings.” — Bill McKibben (in “Climate Change Is Scary—Not the Green New Continue Reading