King, The “Inconvenient Hero”, and “The Ecological Thinker”

How often we forget (and ignore) what MLK did and said and wrote AFTER 1963, after “I have a Dream”…..He moved to link the various maladies of society to the larger problem of justice; to a “Cosmic bent toward justice”; to Vietnam and violence, to Economic justice (Poor People’s March, housng in Chicago, Memphis sanitation worker’s strike), and yes, even Continue Reading

Mentioning Climate and then moving on; the usual habit

“NBC could have asked Democratic candidates 1,000 smarter questions on climate change than this.” And yet, as I look at the article expecting some examples of the 1000, scarcely little more time was spent in the article on this quesiton than NBC gave it.* (See update on this below)  I think we have a real problem talking about this, Continue Reading

MLK sensed what Climate Science knew and later confirmed

MLK always knew “Life is Interrelated”. In his Letter from the Birmingham jail,  he wrote “We are all in an inescapable network of mutuality”.  Had the verdict on Climate been in during his time, he would have been including and integrating that into his insights. This is perhaps an insight whose time has come for the church to stand up Continue Reading

The Gnostic American Church and Climate Crisis Denial

More on one of those “Three common arguments” from Climate-Crisis-Denial Land,  the one that objects by saying “Oh,  that’s being political”,  as if that is grounds for an automatic bypass of the argument. It’s a dog-whistle,  with the “preaching to the choir” meaning being that this is a “liberal thing” and a part of the “plot to destroy America by Continue Reading

Baptism and EcoAwareness

It seems to me that we’ve made baptism into a very “Gnostic” experience. Given the LACK of concern, consciousness about what is happening to the “ELEMENTS: of the earth, in which baptism SHOULD be a direct, experiential witness and reminder, the sacrament has become just another way for us to “spiritualize” and just conveniently “forget” and “ignore” how our collective Continue Reading

Islam DOES worship the SAME GOD.

This is so STOOOOOPID, the Wheaton and “Some Evangelical Christians” response : “I stand in religious solidarity with Muslims because they, like me, a Christian, are people of the book,” she posted on Facebook. “And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God.” Though the college did not take a position on her wearing the headscarf, some Continue Reading

Not to pick on the UMC. This is a universal call and responsibility for ALL PEOPLE

Again, as I have said earlier after asking the UMC in particular to consider the theological and evangelical responsibilities to ACT and REFORM around Climate Change and Eco-Theological responsibility as a representative of God’s people and ALL people, this is more importantly a universal call to ALL of God’s people and that of ALL religious traditions (many of which have Continue Reading