Am I to be an Earth Keeper? Genesis 2:15 says “Yes” from the Get-Go

For those interested in the science, history, and politics (and ultimately, the theology) of the Ecological Crisis in this country, there is a major feature run by the New York Times Magazine this week:…/…/climate-change-losing-earth.html This is a major “Doctrinal” issue for the church, in that this issue, and the outrageous denial and political battle it has precipitated, has blinded Continue Reading

The Coming Divide: Capitalism vs The Climate

I expect that someday soon, when there is enough of a groundswell of church folks calling for some serious “Reformation” in the church*** along ecological lines, that this will become a tremendously divisive issue, even as divisive as the issue of slavery was for churches in America in the Civil War era. The confrontation is , politically and socially, very Continue Reading

Freeing the Ecological Economics from the Status Quo

I have often heard said something like this: “It would nice to achieve renewable energy dominance , but it just isn’t economically likely; it just doesn’t make economic sense yet”. I disagree. It already does make economic sense. Our problem is that the levers of economic incentive have been placed in the opposite direction, in support of propping up the Continue Reading

You owe it to yourself to watch this

So, I just traversed hundreds of comments, in a Facebook group devoted to “Doctrinal Discussion for all who are unafraid”,  on a post asking “Will the Bible be Banned?” Meanwhile, I’ve had exactly two comments about the Nova Episode (  that aired last week on Climate Change, and the history of the Science that is shouting to us about a Continue Reading

Contemplating the achievement of Earth Justice

A Southerner contemplates the “horror” of the end of “a way of life” that is now seen for the evil racism at worst, or else the moral denial of the evil of it in light of what it meant to “pull the rug out” from the southern economy. (The latter is not exactly “enlightened” either).…/confederate-memorial-day-racism-civil… “What Southern man, be Continue Reading

The Post

I watched the movie “The Post” last night. It gave me the idea of writing about our civilization’s lack of response to the Ecological Crisis in a similar fashion to my post yesterday about re: how our response to this crisis is very similar to the way people responded to slavery. The Washington Post faced a dilemma regarding their duty Continue Reading

Creation, Separation, and Restoration

There are rabbit-holes galore in the Biblical study of Creation. The Biblical narratives are incessant at keeping the significance of the Earth and Creation front and center:  The Bible begins with the Creation Story that centers on the notion that God is Creator The Covenants are clearly conceived as agreements/promises/pledges from God to both Humanity and Creation. Sin is portrayed Continue Reading

When did we see you naked, sick, in prison? Global Economy allows us to hide from this.

I’ve often said that our Ecological Crisis has changed the nature and reach of the question: “Who is my neighbor?” for us in the modern world. We now know that we have impacts upon ANYONE in the world, because of our collective choices to OVERSHOOT our “share” of the world’s resources. We have chosen to determine that this is our Continue Reading