A major win for deniers is scaring the s*** out of liberals, progressives,moderates &conservatives who believe in science

That so many, especially in the church,  have succumbed to a position of ignoring the truths about how our way of living has brought humanity to a place of dire emergency.  When I talk about this,  the silence and changing of the subject is striking.  Even amongst people who say they believe that the climate is changing and that we Continue Reading

The delusion of an “unsettled science” and pushing the hubris that we can do anything

This from Climate Progress: Obama Is ‘Delusional’ For Saying Climate Change Is A Major National Security Threat, Fiorina Says The delusion is what she has apparently accepted; the delusion that Climate Science is some sort of political conspiracy by liberals to redistribute the wealth and destroy that most wonderful of discoveries: that fossil fuels will save us a lot of Continue Reading

What’s up with the UMC on this weekend before the Climate Summit in Paris?

I’d like an update from UMNS (United Methodist News Service) on the article from about 6 weeks ago, looking forward to the Paris Climate ( #COP21 ) talks (http://www.umc.org/news-and-media/seeking-climate-justice-in-pariss) Yesterday and today, there were marches held to call to account the Paris COP21 meetings to hear the world’s people and resist the accomodation of corporations and the Fossil Fuel industry. Continue Reading

Denominations Home Pages and Christian Identity relating to the Climate Crisis

I looked at the various denominations’ websites Home Pages back in 2011 at the beginnings of the Occupy Movement,  to look for how seriously the various denominations took their role as prophetic voices for economic justice.  The home pages didn’t seem to reflect much of a consciousness of the importance of the economic crisis at that moment.  Now,  as Pope Continue Reading

Will the Pope be a contributor to a new Protestant Refromation around EcoTheology?

I am hoping that this is the case.  It needs to happen,  no matter what the strongest factors may be.  It needs to happen ,  at the very least,  because of the sheer scientific evidence and the consensus around that evidence.  There is a gathering this week on Thursday : “Coming Together in Faith on Climate”,  which is an ecumenical Continue Reading

.@TimDeChristopher on the Demand to End All New Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands and Oceans via @DemocracyNow!

we’re no longer operating from a paradigm of deviating from the status quo, or operating from the paradigm of looking at the challenge of climate change and what’s actually necessary Source: Tim DeChristopher on the Demand to End All New Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands and Oceans | Democracy Now!

Why EcoEcclesia is also an OccupyTheology exercise

This post comes at the relationship between EcoEcclesia and OccupyTheology from opposite sides from the previous post.  In the previous post,  I reflected a bit upon why the Climate movement is like the Occupy movement,  springing from similar and related sets of causes (the oligarchy’s continuous drive to further consolidate power and economic stranglehold.   From another angle,  OccupyTheology is Continue Reading

Why EcoEcclesia is also OccupyTheology

I just created a post type in WordPress for EcoEcclesia.  EcoEcclesia , however,  is also OccupyTheology,  since I contend that it requires an action of “Occupying” the theologies, economies,  and spaces of the status quo to ensure that a fundamental questioning must take place.  The status quo which brought about the call to “Occupy” is no longer tenable,  and that Continue Reading

Facing the real ultimate challenge

Another Facebook comment I wrote under a UMNS link (here)  on Facebook has prompted a longer reflection that seems fitting as a blog post.  It addresses the frustration I feel with the “theological obfuscation” in which  Christians are habitually engaging. “To become a church that makes disciples of Jesus Christ equipped to transform lives, communities , and the world” is hard Continue Reading

“the Earth and future generations need us all right now” by @MMSwedish

“the Earth and future generations need us all right now, every gift we have to give toward turning the tide of political power in our world.” – Margaret Swedish via this from Center for New Creation on Facebook, reacting to this news :   Bonn Climate Talks Fail to Deliver Common Grounds Undermining Hopes of Meaningful Deal in Paris The world continues to Continue Reading