Try again

try again to trackback an MT blog or this tb link), which if this works, I won’t like that, since it kind of defeats the purpose of trackbacks if people can’t simply trackback by using the link that actually takes on e to the site

A Minimal, BottomLine Appeal

Another further “clarification” of my previous post, which was written as a sort of “qualifier” of the post before that. So given that “democracy” can find its true fulfillment in something beyond and other than “democracy proper” (ie. as it usually construed), there is also the issue of how comparatively little I blog on my disgust of the Bush administration. Continue Reading

Campolo on the Danger Posed by Southern Baptist Aims

via Ethics Daily via Jesus Politics Welcome to Ethics! Campolo said he was “greatly sadden[ed]” by Baptist relations in the U.S., particularly last summer’s split in the Baptist World Alliance. The Southern Baptist denomination withdrew membership from the organization, and Campolo said he is unconvinced by the SBC leaders’ denial that the denomination intends to set up a rival Continue Reading

The Hard Truth

I just got a comment on a post from back in October, but still obviously relevant today. This person, comments about “the hard truth”; implying in his message that certain words of Jesus indicate that he may have been “practical” after all (ie. “I did not come to bring peace but a sword” and “From the days of John the Continue Reading

Netscape Javascript Problem

This line works in IE 6 and Firefox window.opener.location.reload(theURL); what it does is reload the page that opned the popup , and the variable named “theURL” includes a few additonal querystring parameters. Netscape 7 does not load the “theURL” , but simply reloads the otriginal. Using (theURL, true) doesn’t work either. Why ?


Nick Lewis told me in comments under yesterdays’s post that John Dear wrote Pharisee Nation, which I had missed (it was right there, under the title, but somehow I missed it. Maybe because it was a third link removed (from Vaughn to Nick, to John)