American Churches and Popular Uprisings

Explore the history visa vi People’s History  etc. Dorothy Day, Raschenbusch, Finney,  Merton,  MLK Following the church alignments with various and opposing uprisings  (Tea Party vs Progressive/Environmental/“Socialist” (formerly known as Liberal agenda) Researching Poor People’s campaign for background/theological rationale and movement insights to help us as a church mobilize for economic justice (even tho now we are moving into something Continue Reading

The “mainliners” need a renewing movement for hope (ie. Take the side of the people vs corpocracy)

I was encouraged to see 11 church folks model an appropriate response (but just ONE option among a range of options to undertake massive response (ala WISCONSIN and Arab Spring) to call undivided attention to the tipping point most Americans now consider to have been crossed in the downward spiral of the wealth of the “bottom 90%”  and the massive Continue Reading

Walker drowned out by Protesters at WI State Fair (Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell need to start seeing this)

This is the kind of treatment that John Boehner, Eric Cantor,  and Mitch McConnell need to start receiving for their infinite wisdom (and ultimately non-caring) about what happens to the rest of us if their plans succeed).  Shame! This also needs to be exposed as further indication that GOP candidates DID NOT get the message after the Ryan Plan debacle Continue Reading

Faith, Technology, Media and the Budget Part 1 #wiredchurch #peoplesBudget

I tend to tweet four topics. Faith, Technology, Politics, and Sports (usually considerably less of the latter).  Dropping the obviously less significant of the four,  sports,  and focusing on the other  three occurs to me today because I am “mad as hell” about the state of Washington today,  and the kind of talk (and walk) that continues to ignore the Continue Reading