Neocon Nightmare

The idiots. The criminals. The evil. Seymour Hersh On Covert Operations In Iran Listen Now [44 min 41 sec] add to playlist Alex Wong Seymour Hersh writes about covert military operations in Iran in the upcoming issue of The New Yorker. Getty Images Fresh Air from WHYY, June 30, 2008 · Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh believes that the United States Continue Reading

Virtual Debunking of the Actual Debunking

Basically another spin to say that this finding (that basically blows the lid off of the administration’s “urgency” and “spin” aimed at ratcheting up fear and paranoia) is not what it is;  it’s REALLY a vindication of the administration’s approach all along.  Beautiful.  So the combination that the intelligence community says is most likely to work is pressure, plus a Continue Reading

Nuclear hypocrisy |

  It seems that I’m seeing this from Bush more and more as he exhibits this exasperation toward his questioners when they challenge the administration’s view of things.  He poses the "you either agree with our approach or you’re just contributing to what we say will happen if you don’t let us do what we think will prevent it". His Continue Reading