World Wide Catacombs by @docsearls #wiredchurch

Once again,  Doc is absolutely right. Search Engines are thinking like businesses wanting to sell you something.  I see wanna be businesses on Twitter doing similar things,  trying to enlist me or my money in something they deduce is something of interest to me because I included a particular word in a tweet.

Google’s mission of “organizing all the world’s information” is still satisfied. The problem is that most of that information — at least on the Web — is about selling something.

Doc Searls Weblog · Same old blog, brand new place

Here’s something  else I want to enable churches and their information agencies to do: Be able to listen.  I don’t want a search bot being that listening apparatus.  I want people to UNDERSTAND what I am communicating.  I am seeking conversation.  So are many others.  Even a link to a page on the site run by the one responding (or having a “social media expert”  respond)  is not the conversation I seek.  I want a conversational mode surrounded by those good links that actual people recommend as something  which addresses a subject well.  So there is a community of conversation AND aggregation,  and a recognition that the aggregation is not full of links from within a silo (otherwise the very idea of “aggregation” really goes out the window)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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