Bret Baier on DailyShow. He got me started.

Jon Stewart remarked last night to Fox News anchor Bret Baier : “If you watch Fox,  you would think that the greatest threat to the country is ACORN, the Black Panthers, and Fannie Mae”  (which ,  by the way,  is exactly what former Fox News employees say WAS happening.  They were REQUIRED to constantly inject certain themes all throughout their coverage,  on opinion shows, “hard news”,  etc.)

That’s EXACTLY what they do.  To the point that I get the impression that when some big event happens that requires extensive coverage,  Ailes is saying “Damn, we have to do some coverage of this now and have to suspend our current campaign against the the currently targeted boogie man”.

Bret Baier actually says to Jon Stewart:  "Oh, Jon,  really?  There’s so much happening in the  world, we don’t have time for all this stuff"

Now I jump in,  (from my chair in my office)  :” Yeah,  but you design your  news so that it IS there regardless of what is happening.  Big events may make it harder to include that spin,  but it seems you find a way even in that.”

Jon:  “Roger Ailes is a passionate,  RELATIVELY IDEOLOGICAL conservative”….No,  not “relatively”.  EXTREMELY.  Obnoxiously (ie “NPR is a bunch of Nazis” to name one such “relatively ideological” ….what was it,  a “slip”?  Not even that,  if you listen to Aisles.   Jon was certainly being extremely generous. 

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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