Twitter “credited” with the uprisings in Egypt? Bad headline

NObody “credits” the rvolutions to Twitter (or Facebook,  or both).  This is what @jayrosen_nyu has been tweeting and blogging about over the past couple of weeks ( see “The ‘Twitter Can’t Topple Dictators’ Article “).    I agree with him completely.  Nobody,  even the most “cyber utopian”,  is saying that.  But this show , Al Jazeera English’s Inside Story,  leads with this : 

“the seeds were  sown in 2009 when twitter was CREDITED with the protests that followed the Iranian elections”

Intro:  “An uprising in Egypt BECAUSE of a young generation powered by Twitter and Facebook….that’s what we’re being told….but is it really true?”

“With many of the protesters on the ground having little or no access to the Internet in Egypt,  can Social Media really be CREDITED with what’s happening across the Middle East? “

Ok,  yeah.  The Social Networking has nothing to do with the frustrations of the people that boiled up into this revolution.  DUH.  Thanks for that.  This is such a STUPID media story.  And everybody is doing this.  We bring in the panel of people,  with “activist” people emphasizing the PEOPLE power,  all the while laying stress and emphasis upon the word TOOL when they say,  Social Media has been “an important tool”,  “A tool”,  “one of may tools and methods”.  Sure.  “That doesn’t mean the Social Media is RESPONSIBLE for the Revolution”.  (Me Rolling eyes).  Correct.  It doesn’t mean it’s “RESPONSIBLE”.  Like Jay asks,  who is saying that?  Nobody,  except the constant reiteration of that question in media stories,  articles by curmudgeons,  and replies to curmudgeons. 

(Note:  With all these quotes around things highlighting what words are being thrown around in this meme,  I begin to feel like Chris Farley’s character of the motivational speaker who lives “in a van down by the river”,  complete with the ranting tone,  because this can drive me to such an overwrought state)

I expect this will go on and on incessantly.  Even Al Jazeera is not immune.  It certainly makes for a “sexy” and relevant” and “with it” report.  There are similar points to be made about how Social Media is debated and praised and dissed when talking about church and Social Media. I will have to delve into that topic soon.  Like “The Twitter Revolution” and some such media induced headlines,  “Online Church” has its own battles along the scale of Luddites to Curmudgeons to Cyber Utopians ,  with its own incessant memes.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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