O’Reilly “interview” with Obama is typical Fox

What was billed as an interview with Obama turned out to be the Bill show, and this was not “criticism” of the President,  but flat out rude, pompous shill-ery.  I heard right  wingers on a right wing website I had clicked into to see some Maher clips from last night,  and they were complaining about Maher taking shots at Bush making it hypocritical that Maher call O’Reilly on being disrespectful to the President. 

There’s a difference, dorks,  in being critical or even abusive ,  especially in “comedy”,  and being a completely rude a-hole.  The pompous O’Reilly is the foremost person in media in need of having his mike cut.  He can’t help being rude in the presence of the President.  O’Reilly and Fox: FAIL.  Of course,  this is true to form Fox News.  Jerks.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

2 Replies to “O’Reilly “interview” with Obama is typical Fox”

  1. bthomas

    It was an interview. He was treated with civility rather than hostility as was so often the case when the msm was interviewing President Bush. He had opportunity to express his views. He was not given softball questions. He got called on his slips into prevarication. He was treated appropriately. Respect has to be earned. He hasn't earn it.

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