Republicans don’t govern, they oppose. Still, and into the forseeable future.

This Republican crop is a disgrace to governing.  They bring no solutions except “exactly the same” (as John Boehner has already assured us). Empty rhetoric about what they stand for,  and business as usual;  “business” that led us into the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression.  And they whip up absolutely brainless drivel about how this is somehow Obama’s fault (given that it was recognized prior to the actual election that the country was in deep trouble).   And then they blather on and on about how the measures taken “aren’t working” and are “a disaster”.  After less than 2 years?  (Remember, Republican friends.  Obama took office near the end of January 2009.  That’s 22 months.  And they’re saying the same things now they were already saying just days …..DAYS!!!!!…..after the measures were put in place.

The Republicans have already made it clear that their NUMBER ONE PRIORITY is to derail Obama’s presidency.  Obama,  and seeing that he fails.  Never mind they have a  job to do!   They’d rather grind this country to a halt so they can blame it on Obama and get their destructive, ruinous policies back in full swing.  Policies that they swear will not change.  Republicans continue their inane dogma of “trickle down”. 

Trickle down.  The theory that claims that if the rich have more money they will create more jobs.  And yet,  with corporations making RECORD PROFITS,  they are sitting on the money.  They grow their wealth,  and EVERYONE else is experiencing stagnation.  And EVERYONE includes the very people who have been absolutely duped by this dogma that the Republicans keep hammering home,  even while it is obviously not taking place.  The top 1% now own more of this country’s wealth than at any time in our history.  And that trend went on a record growth pace during good ol’ “compassionate conservative” W. Bush’s 8 years.  And still,  the dogma is continuously hammered home.

And so,  as Olbermann so aptly throws back at the Republican leadership:  “It’s December 2, 2010,  30 days after the midterm elections.  John Boehner,  where are the jobs? “   An apt question to ask sarcastically of the idiots who actually believe that economic policies put into effect should be “turning things around” within days.  (Or,  as the case often was,  BEFORE he actually gets elected,  or before he takes office,  or before the actual bill gets signed,  or before any sane person could expect a far sweeping economic policy to start impacting things.

So the Republicans want to extend the tax cuts for EVERYONE,  and will not settle for tax cuts only for those making less than 250k,  or even tax cuts for everyone’s income up to 250k (even those who make more would benefit on that first 250k),  because giving the rich tax cuts trickles down (even though it did exactly the opposite during the 8 years of Bush).  So we increase the deficit another 4 trillion over 10 years to somehow “stimulate” the economy?  Suicide;  ideological naiveté.  The last things Republicans want you to do is look at their record on such things.  And so they put these bozos and puppets out there to “manufacture consent” for them to improve the funnel that siphons money from the economy into the coffers of the top 1%;  to corporations who have made record profits and yet won’t create new jobs.  The Republicans are doing the bidding of the powerful who care nothing about the difficulties of this  country. 

Bob Corker ,  the slimy “call me” political commercial man,  Republican,  who won in Tennessee because  of that ad,  proclaims that the Democrats won’t get anything done because they won’t agree to this tax cut extension ,  so let’s just wait until they’re out of here and “get back to the business of the American people” .  I wanted to reach into the radio and ring his neck.  You don’t stand for the American people. You represent all that is wrong about this country: the interests of those who want to sit on their cash while people need to have jobs.  You represent the filth that is health care insurance companies who profit from the many ways they devise to AVOID paying insurees to get treatment.  You represent the interests of those who have returned to opulent spending while the bulk of Americans have seen their wages stagnate and prices for living rise.  You parrot the dogma that the rich LOVE to see people believe in,  for it keeps them up and the rest down. 

I can hope that the tea party begins to see how the Republican leadership holds them in disdain behind closed doors,  while talking as if they speak  their language.  It’s much like the Bush White  House did with the Christian Right.  They put on a show about being for people of faith and refused to fund any of their faith based initiatives.   We need a wikileak of Republican leaders belittling people in the Tea Party movement.  That  could create a split,  and the Republicans would be done. 

Instead,  the Obama administration is creating an apathy amongst their strongest supporters.  They won’t vote Republican.  They just stayed home.  What a disappointment this “cave in” on Tax cuts will be.  It may be  the last straw for Obama,  and the Republicans will have achieved their goals.  And then we would be left with their absence of governing with any sound solutions,  and back to letting things  go completely unchecked and the greed of corporate America and the banks and Wall Street steer us right back into the ditch.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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