Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-14

  • I get a kick out of embedding a video on a page and seeing the play button right on the person's nose #
  • Facebook import from Blog feeds is not working. Had to change the URL to mine; says "we couldn't find a feed using rhe URL you provided" #
  • @jbjabberwock @httpreg1 No Windows hosting. Thanks anyway in reply to jbjabberwock #
  • @digital_boy Dusty has already broken that "rule" before….needed to do it again today. Gotta win the game when push comes to shove. in reply to digital_boy #
  • Dusty Baker needs 2 learn how 2 prioritize WINNING games instead of preserve Save stats…once again, left Cordero in when he wasnt with it #
  • With the Reds leading the Central division, havent had too much time to get psyched for the Titans, who kick off in about 90 minutes #
  • Why Prado was playing so far off the line vs Pujois is baffling. Doesnt think Pujois pulls ball with authority? Prev 2 at bats: GO to 3rd #
  • HD is off again….maybe it's the thumderstorms…should be over soon #
  • the HD is on now. for the Atl-StL game #
  • these guys doing Atl-StL game on Fox are terrible #
  • why is the Fox Saturday game NOT showing in HD? It's 2010 for crying out loud. Back up games as well as main games HAVE to be done in HD #
  • sports events seem to be the "cathedrals" of American nationalism #
  • @digital_boy at least we definitely want to the home field advantage if we do 🙂 in reply to digital_boy #
  • Amazing that people seem to want to go back to what we had before, that got us here in the first place. Need larger political attn span #
  • Jon Stewart is handling him well (ie "see how I stopped listening?")…he sees right though the political nonsense #
  • Watching Tim Kaine on Daily Show (from 9/8/10 at if this guy is DNC chair, no wonder they're clueless. Bunch of BS #
  • @winhost doesnt allow subdomain mappring to subdir (only redirects). Rats! May be a deal breaker. Site runs faster/better, but darn ! #
  • watching Gillmor Gang at featuring Loic from Seesmic #
  • @mlb 's website has some serious UI issues. Crazy Drop down navs that cover up stuff I want to see for several seconds. Awful #
  • @bshaffer yeah, that series was too bizarre to be real….two worst NL records now come to Cincinnati for 7 (Pit and Arz) in reply to bshaffer #
  • @bshaffer see that nonsense today? Massett totally lost his brain as the guy ran home right in front of him in reply to bshaffer #

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About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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