Albert Mohler basically agrees with Pat Robertson

I happened across an Al Mohler post about Haiti,  and he writes this big long treatise about God’s judgment in response to the now infamous Pat Robertson latest example of foot in mouth disease.  And he basically agrees.  He just covers it over with theological drivel.  Same ol’ Al.  That he is on a list of “Top Christian Blogs” is an indicator of how people like Pat Robertson ever get asked for their opinion in the first place.  (Aside from the fact that “Top Christian Blogs” is an inappropriate “contest” in the first place.  Stanley Hauerwas,  after being named TIME’s “Best Theologian”  responded with “BEST is NOT a theological category”.   I see that these “best” lists are ranked in terms of traffic numbers,  which bothers me all the more.  That so many church folks lend credence to Al Mohler is indicative of the kind of judgmental,  superiority that so many Christians think is their calling. 

I haven’t paid Mohler much attention in quite some time,  which is definitely a good thing for my blood pressure.  But when he displays his …whatever… matters such as these, I feel the need for a blog-lashing. Does God Hate Haiti?

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

One Reply to “Albert Mohler basically agrees with Pat Robertson”

  1. Bearsfan

    I read Mohler's article, and I didn't get the impression that you did. I got a Biblical viewpoint of God's power and authority over the earth and that this, like all catastrophes, are a byproduct of sin. I see nothing wrong with that. He then says that Christ would want us rushing over to help the Haitians like we are. He mentions that if God hated Haiti, he wouldn't have missionaries there. Finally, he says that the message of Christ (John 3:16) should be shared whenever possible. I don't understand why you don't agree with this article. Robertson said this disaster was directly linked to a pact with the Devil. Mohler addressed the issue but didn't form a conclusion about it. All he said was God hates sin, which is true. Who are we to question God.

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