Be the Priest #smchurch #ChurchSocial @gavoweb

From Chris Brogan (via @gavoweb),  re: building movements that inspire and instill belonging.  Yet another “DUH” moment for the church,  which simply must be “Listening” to what people are saying and expressing.

Webber and Taylor didn’t launch Fast Company by making a platform that praised them. I didn’t launch PodCamp to be at its core. Instead, these kinds of movements work best when you start with the mindset of empowering others, and building leaders everywhere.

Be the Priest, Build the Church | Trust Agents | Fast Company

The church is NOT listening by using the medium to blast the medium with marketing messages (like “come to our church”)…..the “good news” is not that there is yet “another option” for “doing church” ,   but that there is “a people”  where one can belong and encourages and enables people ti find one another via things about which they are passionate (and here,  we get into the notion of “calling” and “gifts”–both need encouragement, nurture,  and formation)

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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