I had a great time downtown Saturday….so much to absorb, and much of that is gathering in all the feedback going on via Twitter. There is so much ftf (face to face) and online networking going on that I get frustrated when someone else finds out about something cool before I do. There, at barcamp, that’s a pretty impossible standard to live up to, so I should chill. But I found out about the actual links to ustream only today. I saw a couple of mentions of ustream, but saw no links (in the mentions that I saw, so I figured I’d see them eventually). Eventually turned out , it just so happens, to be 2 days. A search on twitter for #bcn09 ustream showed me 14 updates going back to 8am Saturday morning. I am looking into how many tweets there were on #bcn09 in total……twitter search shows me a screenfull at a time, and there are apparently hundreds, maybe even thousands since bcn09 started and just prior to it. So maybe it was not at all weird that someone who was so glued to the bcn09 feed missed the tweets that actually poiinted to the ustream videos (@BradBlackman tweeted it and 5 people retweeted it , but my search shows only 14 out of how many overall tweets for bcn09? (update: 251pm Monday: 1200 or so– don’t know how many of those were Saturday—update: 3pm advanced twitter search says about 1079….had to scroll through and find out how many pages—-plugging in numbers in the page= URL string) Easy to miss as the tweets scroll by…..my tweetdeck’s chirp sound/blip was sounding frequently.
So, there was my frustration. I like to consider myself a connected guy. Then the wifi goes out for the last hour at the Cadillac Ranch. I don’t have an iPhone or even a g3 data plan, so I guess I have to shell out the 30-50 a month if I want to join the real digerarti. Seriously, I might have to. But I’lll have to get me a job soon, or start doing some major development/consulting for decent pay. But the effect and experience of #bcn09 BarCamp Nashville was awesome. I’m pumped. Watch those videos (and oh yeah….the LINK )