- one plugin claimed it would do this and failed…. #
- want to find a wp plugin that tweets hashtags for the blog tags I used in a post #
- downloaded Trust Agents and The Whuffie Factor from audible.com #
- watched tweetstream for #ministry2 and #c21 this weekend — wished more extensive coverage of content—aka "peek ins" on proceedings #
- IN my previous tweet I am referring to yours truly #
- available: Social Networking enthusiast w/ theological and WebDev credentials and passion for helping the church leverage Web applications #
- @mattcarlisle any of this being recorded? glad to have quick quotes,..but I want more content…even for a fee! DVD's/Podcasts? in reply to mattcarlisle #
- RT @DavidHFoster: Movement technologies are messy, but the promise they represent is worth it. #ministry2 #
- RT @acarvin: Schiller: one-third of all of NPR's monthly pageviews are now coming from NPR News iPhone app. #nprthink. #
- RT @dsearls: Peace of cake: http://bit.ly/qCw8p #obama #Nobel #wtf me: LOL great tweet and good post #
- anybody got a spare Google Wave invite to send me? #
- I'll be watching….. #ministry2 #
- Excellent weather has stepped out for a bit….getting really humid….but not too terrible #
- Enjoying the excellent weather by stepping outside every chance I get #
- Of course, if my previous tweet got out, then it is still up…… #
- Just got the fail whale! "Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again." #
- Just saw that TimesPeople was released over a year ago? I have hardly seen a mention . This explains a bit: http://bit.ly/3IrBTm #
- since I didn't spell it out….TimesPeople is NYTimes' forray into Social Networking apps #
- do a twitter search on @timespeople, and stuff is happening…..will be looking at this with curiosity…ideas possible #
- Looks like I got in pretty early in Times People…none of my contatcs in Twitter, GMail, or Facebook are members http://bit.ly/Q4l1B #
- A link to the top /intro page for TimesPeople: http://bit.ly/qrQic #
- Happened upon this when looking at WordPress MU and BuddyPress: Times People :http://bit.ly/6SXTL #
- @imonk they ALMOST got into third….but the Cardinals couldn't help them by beating the Brewers #
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