the Jesus Manifesto » All in “The Family” (an interview with Jeff Sharlet)

This is truly disturbing.  It traces some of the recent “revelations” about this group of politicians that reside in this “House” in D.C.  known as “C Street”

What is The Family?

Let me put in the words of a Washington insider who’s an admirer of the group: David Kuo, White House aide in Bush’s term, calls it “the most powerful group in Washington that nobody knows.” That’s actually been quantified by a Rice University sociologist, who surveyed 360 Christian politicians, including two former presidents, and discovered that more respondents — 1 in 3 — named the Family as a key player than any other organization. That shouldn’t be surprising, given that it’s also the oldest Christian conservative organization, dating back to a 1935 new revelation from God (so Family founder Abraham Vereide believed) that Christians should work on behalf not of the down and out — the poor, the suffering, the meek — but the “up and out,” the powerful “key men,” as the Family calls them, who will dispense blessings to the rest of us. One evangelical Senate aide describes that as “trickle down religion.” So why haven’t you heard of them before? The Family believes it’s most effective behind the scenes. “The more invisible you can make your organization,” says Family leader Doug Coe, “the more influence it will have

The real constants in the Family are the fetishization of strength and the worship of the invisible hand — free market fundamentalism backed up by American military power.

the Jesus Manifesto » All in “The Family” (an interview with Jeff Sharlet)

I’m still readingthis (as of 12;44….it is such an embodiment of everything that I consider nasty re: the neocon ideology,  and its infiltration into the Religious Right. (“passed on” via the alliance between Reagan-Bush II and the powers that be of that unholy alliance.  WOW.

(Update 2:17 pm) While I can sympathize with one aspect of the C Street modu operandi (that of protecting confidentiality— upholding the community over against the political implicaitons,  their ideology as a political mechanism somewhat nullifies their status as a group qualifying for apolitical ethics.  It’s just a scary entity,  this group.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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