McCain: Iraq war was/is for oil

Now a Republican presidential candidate has said it

“My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will — that will then prevent us — that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East,” McCain said.

He didn’t just “seem to suggest it” as this MSNBC article says.  He ASSUMED it. And it reveals how hypocritical Republicans are when they question someone’s patriotism when they suggest such a thing.

Not that we need John McCain to prove this for us,  but hopefully people will see that even their “freedom and liberty” heroes are just assuming that we’ll take the sell ,  and that it really is about oil.  Duh!

McCain: Iraq war was for oil? – First Read –

hat tip to Dave Winer for this

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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