What it might look like if President Biden really declared a climate emergency | Grist

Environmental advocates say that although the president acknowledges the climate crisis in his rhetoric, his administration continues to expand fossil fuel production.

Source: What it might look like if President Biden really declared a climate emergency | Grist

Yes,   “Acknowledging” the crisis doesn’t actually DO anything to address it.  Obviously,  it’s better to IGNORE it in practice (aka “expanding fossil fuel production and continuing subsidies”) and “Acknowledge it” in talk   than to actively work to tear down what little protections and responses we HAVE done.  But,  just as someone who simply ignores a doctor’s prognosis and treatments for a deadly disease,  simply saying “OK, Doc,  I hear ya” and then proceeding with life as it was before,  is NOT going to result in a different outcome.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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